STEMWonders’ curriculum is designed to spur and sustain the interest of students, while engaging them with real-world applications of STEM.

About the Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to expose students to STEM, promote inquiry skills, and focus on the application of STEM in ways they can relate with. The curriculum is applied in settings such as after-school, summer, and homeschooling programs. All units are age and grade-appropriate and many of the activities can be modified to suit different learning styles. Certain units in the curriculum are made more in-depth and challenging for higher level students. The units are implemented by program coordinators, teachers, and trained personnel..

Unit Descriptions

Each six-week unit focuses on a big idea with standalone sessions that connect and build on the same concept. Each unit has lessons that are differentiated to suit our diverse participants. The curriculum largely focuses on different aspects of engineering, biotechnology, forensics, computer science, technology, robotics and their impact on everyday life.

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