Microbes in Action (Microscope/Growth Lab)
Students will explore the world of microbes by focusing on the microorganisms in their environment. Students will obtain bacterial samples from their environment of choice,

Infectious Disease Spread Simulation
Students will simulate the spread of an imaginary infectious disease through a population and learn how some typical habits can affect the risk of getting

Owl Pellet Dissection and Analysis
Students will gain fascinating hands-on learning experiences with anatomy, through the dissection of various preserved organs and organisms. Students will explore the structure and complexity

DNA Basics, Extraction and Analysis
Experience a variety of hands-on engagement that will help you understand the fascinating structure and function of DNA. Participants will construct 3-D models of the

Biological Models (Structure and Function)
Students will gain meaningful understanding of the human body systems by designing and building a working 3-D model of any of the human body systems

Food Analysis
This unit focuses on what is involved in food production and food anaylsis. Students are exposed to real challenges in the food industry while engaging